Onging Research Projects
Road Safety
Project 1: Crash Risk Modeling Using Crash Video from Monocular Camera
Aim and Scope:
- Invesitgate the relationship between surrogate safety measurement (mainly the traffic conflict measurements) and crash risk
- Redefine the concept of SSM
- Measure the crash risk of certain merging or diverge segements using the proposed method
Project 2: Traffic Flow Modeling using Video Data
- Typical Circumstancesincluding Abnormal (Beyond Accident-Free, Shockwave) and Mixed (CAV/AV/CV interacted with HV) Traffic Environment
Sustainable Mobility
Project 3: BikeShareIQ: Bike sharing multi-modes market share competition and cooperation relationship identification and quantification
Aim and Scope:
- Compare the usage and travel patterns of multi-modal bike sharing systems
- Identify which relationship existed among bike sharing multi-modes – competition or cooperation
- Quantify to what extend the emerging mode had effect on other existing modes